Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Caramel Apples

1 can Sweetened Condensed Milk
1 cube Butter
1 C. Karo Syrup
2 C. Brown Sugar
1 tsp Salt

Combine ingredients in a medium or bigger saucepan. Using a candy thermometer and stirring constantly cook to 225 degrees. Let cool a little. Wash Granny Smith Apples, approximately 8-12 depending on their size, dry well, and push a Popsicle stick through the top. Dip into caramel to coat then place on parchment paper that has been sprayed with cooking spray. Before placing on paper, if desired, you can roll them in a variety of toppings such as toffee bits, nuts, sprinkles, crushed butterfingers, dip them in chocolate, or anything else you can imagine that would taste fabulous! Enjoy.

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